Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bright Side (a continuation story of Sherwin's "From HipHop to Poi")

by Sherwin Jaspher V. Parrado

In my last article, "From Hip Hop to Poi", I started sharing about my first introduction to Poi. How my love for dancing resurrected that archived memory of that Anne Curtis commercial. And how, in my fight to keep doing what I love most, I was able to meet a group of amazing people. This is the second part of that tale, which starts where the last one ended, Xavier Days.

Xavier Days is annually held on December and is usually a time of merriment, but on December 2010 it wasn’t for me. It wasn’t sad or depressing; it was more of stressful because of the tons of curricular activities we had to do. That time we meet at school around 7am and go home about 8pm, everyday, for about 4 days I think.  What's worst is we had to do it on Xavier Days, the time when everyone else is busy spending money on games and booths and what not. We on the other hand were spending our money on our project. Needless to say I was almost broke, I still had money but every cent was already allotted so free pocket money was not that much, about 500 pesos perhaps. And during Xavier Days, 500 is not really enough. 

One fine early morning I was going around the booths checking out the merchandise before going to the group meeting place. It was this time that I came upon the PoiCDO booth with Shaunnee, Egan, Hexa and Roy2x selling there, I should say ours now but it might be confusing, different displays of poi. (I have no idea where Gbong was at the time but I'll mention his name so that he won’t feel left out. Hi Gbong!)

For only 350 pesos I can get my very own Poi kit and free lessons to boot! So what was I waiting for? Someone to give me 350. 

With only 500 pesos I didn’t have much moolah for the poi AND survive for the next couple of days. So I did what any sane person would do. I bought sago't gulaman (walking around is thirsty work). And I went back and bought my own poi. I didn’t have any money anymore; I probably won’t get to buy other souvenirs of that years Xavier Days but on the bright side I WASNT THIRSTY ANYMORE! YAHOO! Oh, and I got me some poi merchandise too. 

The free workshop was introduction to the art of poi with basic tricks here and there. It was set for 2pm that afternoon but because of my stunning personality I "humbly" asked to be taught a few tricks immediately. Egan and shaunnee were happy enough to teach me some and promised a lot more later on the workshop proper. Being the eager student I came to the venue really early, and had to return several times because they were still preparing it. The guys must have thought that I was either eager to learn or had no sense of time. It was both actually but I know that deep down they love me just the same.  

I was a penniless (in a matter of speaking) poi spinner with no sense of time, but I was eager to learn and that counted for something because I’m now a full pledge member of PoiCDO!

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