Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bring A Doll (by Sherwin Parrado, PoiCDO Flow artist)

There's a time in everyone's life that we have to leave and start a new. Reasons vary, some do it for change, for family or to escape the law; im doing it because im gonna work, aheeem, find work some place else.

Aside from leaving the places and sites we have familiarized ourselves with, we also leave behind our family, dear friends, and the person or two who we owe money to ( yahoo!). 
As the person leaving, i try my best to pack all those sentimental objects ive acquired. My first stuff toy pig, the pig shaped pencil case, the cellphone pig pouch, my pig erasers and my pig stickers. Sadly i had to leave behind the pig figurine and the PIGgy bank since it doesnt fit anymore, and believe me i tried!

With all these things in my bag i got to thinking, what do i leave behind to remind my friends in PoiCDO that i was once a part if their lives? Pictures? They have that. A shirt of mine? Pwede but im really a hoarder of shirts. A sock! That would probably make them question my sanity not to mention my hygiene. So i racked my brain and came up with the most obvious and the surest way to creep them out, i left them a slipper! Kidding, i left them a doll. A voodoo doll to be precise. 

No it doesnt come with my hair, or nail clippings or my blood taken on the night of the full moon. I have to make sure that they don't do anything funny to it that would potentially affect me.  Hehe.  

So about the doll. Since im moving to Manila and im not going to be around anymore i asked them to bring the doll whenever they have a gig. The doll becomes me in a sense that i'll be there even if im not there per se. I encourage them to talk to it like they would with the real me. Perhaps feed it and take it for a walk sometimes, which isnt impossible cause the doll is a key chain doll, so no excuses.  Hehe. 

Kidding aside im hoping that the doll fills the emptiness that my leaving might cause. (i do hope they do feel emptiness or at least a twinge of "I-miss-sherbz".). And it kinda makes me feel that im still spinning with the gang. Still a part of this crazy, amazing group of people who does a workshop, meeting and plays charades all at once. But this isnt really the end of the road for us. As sure as there is fire we will always be spinners and friends no matter the distance. We will still see each other during fire festivals, spindependences,  poi eating contest and what not. So really its not good bye, it's "see you around" (bring food).

So to close this jumble of an article:

I am Sherboh Jazper Parrado, PoiCDO flow artist, article writer/editor for, a registered nurse, and i give voodoo dolls for kicks! (i have a voodoo doll of each of you)